Picture of Renita and dog

Renita is a woman of God who loves the Lord with all her heart. Reading and studying the bible helps her stay focused so she can live a life that honors God. She is married and the mother of two children and a handsome dog. She desires to encourage and uplift others in the journey of life.

Renita has studied the bible for many years and found that it becomes much more relatable if you bring the text to life. She has a hunger and thirst for God’s word and is always willing to share all she knows with whomever she comes in contact with.


Renita has spent over 30 years rooting for and cheering others on by using the word of God to promote and encourage positive change. The goal is for people to move beyond where they are; to where they want to be. She believes that things do not have to happen to you directly for you to learn from them. Some life lessons can be experienced through others to limit you from unnecessary heartache.
Her purpose is to have others see the bible come to life with relatable stories. Telling stories helps you understand and remember God’s word. If history is going to repeat itself, let it be for good. The bible is an excellent example of how we can learn from other’s mistakes so we do not repeat them.
of God to promote and encourage positive change. The goal is for people to move beyond where they are; to where they want to be. She believes that things do not have to happen to you directly for you to learn from them. Experiencing life through others limits unnecessary heartache in your own life.

Recent Blog Post

Forgiving the Unforgivable

Forgiving the Unforgivable

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Don’t Look Back

Don’t Look Back

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