Do you sometimes struggle with how to pray? Don’t be embarrassed. Many people struggle with how to pray. The ACTS Model of Prayer is a tool that you can use to help stay focused when you pray. ACTS is an acronym that stands for Adoration Confession Thanksgiving and Supplication and is an excellent guideline for prayer.     


Adoration- Spend the first part of your prayer adoring God by repeating all the beautiful names of God and His attributes only. Do not ask for anything during this time. Just spend this time in worship, adoring who God is and his incredible characteristics. We start by saying words like Lord, you are the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the ending). You are the Bright and Morning Star. God, you are Jehovah Jireh (my provider). Lord God, you are Jehovah Rapha (my healer). These are just some examples of ways you can acknowledge God at the beginning of your prayer.


Confession- Confession is us bringing our sins before the Lord. If you are in an open setting, then your admissions during prayer time are general. You would say something like Lord forgive me for the sins that I have committed by thought word or deed against your divine majesty. But in your own prayer time, you would pray about and confess your sins to the Lord.

Acknowledge anything that you know that you may have said or done that you should not have. Bring them all before the Lord. It’s not that he doesn’t know what you have already done but confess it out of your mouth to let the Lord know that you are acknowledging that it is a sin. Ask for forgiveness. He needs us to confess and repent of those sins. Identify all sins so that nothing hinders your prayers.


Thanksgiving- Speak to the Lord concerning everything that you are thankful for. Do not ask for anything at this time. Just thank God for the things that he has already done for you. I know a lot of times; people say that they struggle because they forget to thank God for the things he has done. Thanksgiving has been incorporated already into the prayer, so this way, every day, when you’re saying your prayers, you have the opportunity to thank God daily for what He has done. 

If you are praying in the morning, you may thank Him for waking you up in the morning and thank Him that you’re going to get a peaceful day. If you’re praying late at night, you can think back to everything that he’s done for you throughout the day and acknowledge those things. Remember, focus only on what God has already done for you.


Supplication- Speak to the Lord about your concerns and request you may have. Supplication is the begging part of prayer. Make requests and concerns for others first and then ask for your specific request last. We put others before ourselves. The Lord already knows what you need but come to him humbly asking for others first.  It is selfish to think of ourselves first. We may be the only person that is praying for the people in our lives.

Prayer is our way of submitting to the authority of God. We recognize who He is and how much we need Him. The ACTS Model of prayer helps us do that. Worship and prayer go hand in hand. Make sure you spend time in prayer so you can become closer to God