Don’t Look Back

Don’t Look Back

Don’t look back if the Lord delivers you from a sinful place. Sometimes in life, you find yourself in situations that don’t please God. The situation could be your own or the people you surround yourself with who don’t honor God. Either way, if the Lord delivers you from that place, don’t look back.

The Lord sought to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The towns were corrupt, and the people lived lives that displeased God. The Lord told Abraham he would destroy the cities, so the Lord sent two angels to the city to rescue Lot and his family from Sodom. The Lord spared Lot and his family for Abraham’s sake.

When God tells you not to do something, it is for a reason. Listen to His instructions and heed the warning. God does all things well, and He wants the best for your life. The Lord’s instructions keep you from hurt and danger.

The angel instructed Lot and his family not to look back. After the angels led them out by hand and they had gone some distance, Lot’s wife looked back. The Lord killed her instantly, and she turned into a pillar of salt. The bible does not say why she looked back, but we know she was told not to. Never be so addicted to being surrounded by sin that you look back one last time. Looking back could cost you your life.


God Always Wins

God Always Wins

Don’t try to work things out on your own. God always wins because He is in control. Trust the plan of God. Even if it doesn’t look or feel right, trust that God is in control.

Have you ever tried to work things out on your own and find that you have made a mess? Perhaps you were angry and wanted to get revenge, or maybe you thought you could handle a situation on your own without consulting God? If this is you, stop right now and know that God always wins. Your plan does not supersede His plan.

God told Abraham that he would have a child out of his own loins to be his heir. Sarah was barren and believed that the Lord had stopped her from having children. Sarah laughed at God when he told her she would have a child. She could not imagine how that could be possible because she was old and didn’t believe she could give birth herself. Sarah took matters into her own hands by giving her handmaid Hagar to her husband to conceive a child.

She failed to wait on God and thought somehow God needed her help in His plan. Because she went ahead of God and did not wait for Him, she caused unnecessary heartache to herself because Hagar, the woman she gave to her husband, was pregnant with his child, and she was jealous. She thought her plan was better than waiting to see what God was going to do.

Hagar gave birth to Ismael, and Sarah was jealous and despised Hagar. The plan Sarah devised did not work out for her. God always wins, so Sarah should have waited to see what the Lord was going to do. She should have consulted with the Lord first.

Years later, God opened Sarah’s womb, and she gave birth to Issac. Issac was who God had in mind all along. When God tells you something, don’t go ahead of His plan. Consult with him first before making a rash decision, like giving your handmaid to your husband.

Sarah suffered years for the decision she made. The two brothers became enemies, and she forced her husband to chose one son over the other. God always wins, so wait for His instructions. Decisions you make on your own can have costly consequences.

Watch your mouth

Watch your mouth

Watch your mouth. Sometimes in life, we are quick to make rash promises or decisions because of our selfish desires. We never take time to consider the cost or impact of what we are saying. Often we say things, never realizing that we may be harming someone we love or someone we never intended to hurt just because we want something so badly.

In Judges 11, Jephthah is about to go to war against the Ammonites. He wanted to win the war so bad that Jephthah tells the Lord that if he allows him to win the war, he will sacrifice as a burnt offering whatever comes forth out of his house to greet him. Jephthah made the vow without considering all the possibilities of who may greet him when he returned home. He never thought of the possibility that it may be someone he loved rather than an animal to greet him.

His vow was of great consequence because the first person to greet him was his daughter. Jephthah only had one child, which was his daughter. Imagine making a vow to God because of your ambitions and have that vow cost you your only child. This is why you must watch your mouth. Think about what you say before you say it. Consider the consequences. Contemplate what you are giving up compared to what you are asking for. Watch your mouth because the outcome may be heartbreaking.

Never make a promise without considering whether or not you will be able to keep that promise. You are better off not making a promise or vow than to make it and not honor it. Jephthah honored the vow he made to the Lord. Watch your mouth because what comes out of your mouth may cost someone their life.