
Self-care is the practice of taking time to care for yourself. We spend a lot of time taking care of others, ensuring others’ needs, but we rarely take care of ourselves. Everyone needs a self-care plan of their own.

Practice self-care daily by doing something 15 minutes a day to help you relax and unwind. It could be something as simple as sitting in your car quietly listening to soothing music before entering your home if you had a rough day. Put on a couple of your favorite CDs and listen to something inspirational that will inspire you before you enter the door. We don’t want to come home to
our families all stressed out, so take 15 minutes before opening the door of your home to unwind.

Everyone is different, and each person has their way of unwinding. Maybe some like to take a bath or go shopping, but whatever it is that you wish, do that so you can mentally prepare for the next day. We want to ensure that you’re not in a constant state of being stressed out because stress is harmful to your body.

Take time to relax and let negative emotions go. It is a good practice to listen to something inspirational or motivational for at least 15 minutes a day to help combat negative emotions. People suffer from being depressed because they are continually focusing on negative things. Some people never have anything positive to say or think. Listening to something positive, at least 15 minutes to 20 minutes a day, can change your mindset.

Watching something positive or even reading an inspiring book can make a difference also. If you want to transform your mind and relieve some stress, a change has to occur in what you do.

Eating healthy and exercising are also good ways to take care of yourself. In addition to a daily self-care routine, do something once a week that lasts longer than 15 minutes. Go to the movies if it helps to relax. Everyone relaxes in different ways, so figure out what enables you to relax and practice doing it weekly.

Never feel obligated to say yes to everything. No is a legitimate answer. If you have several things to do in one day, pick the most important one and do that. Don’t overextend yourself. You can’t be everything to everybody, so stop trying.

Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. If that means you take a day off to do absolutely nothing because you are stressed, it is okay. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty because you’re taking a day to care for yourself. Care for yourself while you can. You don’t want to be in a position where others have to care for you because stress took a toll on your body. Practice self-care daily so you can live a happy, healthier life.

Let Love Abide In Your Heart

Let Love Abide In Your Heart

Sometimes in life, we get so frustrated or upset about our circumstance that we begin to become angry and disgruntle with ourselves and the people around us. We lose sight of how we are already blessed and forget to let love abide in our hearts.

Remain loving and caring at all times because God is loving and caring towards us. We must continuously extend to others what we are asking of God ourselves. If you want mercy from God, then you must extend mercy to others. If you want forgiveness from God, then you must extend forgiveness to others. Let love abide.

the word Forgiveness with key on top

Don’t let bitterness take root in your heart because you are angry about your circumstances. Instead of taking your anger out on others, do something about your situation. You have to be willing to get out of your current situation by moving from where you are to where you want to be. Let love abide in your heart.

Often, we blame others for what has happened to us. We focus more on what others have done to us instead of what we failed to do for ourselves. Accept responsibility for what you did or did not do and move on. Let love be the driving force to allow you to move on.

You do not have to stay stuck where you are. Yes, bad things may happen, but if we choose to remain stuck there by dwelling on matters of the past, it is no one’s fault but our own. Love yourself enough to move on. 

Show love to receive love. Forgive to be forgiven. You must be the change you want to see. The change must begin with you. You can’t expect others to change if you are not willing to change yourself. Let love abide.

A Dog Can Be A Girl’s Best Friend

A Dog Can Be A Girl’s Best Friend

As a young child, I was not afraid to be around dogs in the house. My Aunt always had dogs in her home, but I did not. Her dogs were around all the time when I spent the night. I was pretty much okay with the dogs being near me. She had three dogs; two Boxers and a Chihuahua. I never paid attention to the dogs when I was in the room with them and was never scared. They didn’t bother me, and I didn’t bother them.

An incident happened years ago that made me fearful of dogs. I dreaded being in the same space as any dog and wanted nothing to do with them. Big or small, the size didn’t matter; I wanted nothing to do with dogs. I never realized that a dog could be a girl’s best friend.

My husband grew up with dogs and always wanted one. We bought our first home, and he would mention his desire to have a dog. I was adamant that he was not getting a dog because I was scared. We had conversations back and forth over 20 years about getting a dog.


One day my husband decided that he was going to house-sit for our nephew’s dog. I was adamant still that there was no way he was going to house-sit a dog, especially since my daughter and I  were both afraid of dogs. He reminded me that he always wanted a dog, and since he was not able to get one of his own, the least I could do was let him house-sit one.

My husband assured me that after having a dog in the house, I would come to love dogs and eventually want one. His statement went in one ear and out of the other. I agreed to house sit but still refused to consider ever having a dog.

My husband was right. I enjoyed having a dog in the home after I overcame my fear. It took several days to get used to the dog and being around him alone. This dog was not going to have control over me in my house. I refused to run around, hiding in other rooms whenever the dog was not in his cage.

The experience with the dog in my home put away my childhood fear of dogs. It allowed me to accept my husband’s desire to have a dog of his own. Four months after we house -sat our nephew’s dog, we bought our first dog. I admit I was still apprehensive, but once we got him home, I began to love him and enjoy his company. A dog can be a girl’s best friend.

women sitting on sofa with boxer dog by her side

Today, my husband says the dog is his, but I tell him the dog is mine. The dog and I have a special bond. He feels like my best friend. My dog is a best friend in how he gives comfort to me, but never utters a word. His kind and loving face speak volumes. He is excited to see me when I come home. He sleeps by my bed at night until I go to sleep, and then he gets in his bed. I never imagined that I would love any animal the way I love my dog. It is a beautiful feeling.