Don’t look back if the Lord delivers you from a sinful place. Sometimes in life, you find yourself in situations that don’t please God. The situation could be your own or the people you surround yourself with who don’t honor God. Either way, if the Lord delivers you from that place, don’t look back.

The Lord sought to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The towns were corrupt, and the people lived lives that displeased God. The Lord told Abraham he would destroy the cities, so the Lord sent two angels to the city to rescue Lot and his family from Sodom. The Lord spared Lot and his family for Abraham’s sake.

When God tells you not to do something, it is for a reason. Listen to His instructions and heed the warning. God does all things well, and He wants the best for your life. The Lord’s instructions keep you from hurt and danger.

The angel instructed Lot and his family not to look back. After the angels led them out by hand and they had gone some distance, Lot’s wife looked back. The Lord killed her instantly, and she turned into a pillar of salt. The bible does not say why she looked back, but we know she was told not to. Never be so addicted to being surrounded by sin that you look back one last time. Looking back could cost you your life.