Sometimes in life, we get so frustrated or upset about our circumstance that we begin to become angry and disgruntle with ourselves and the people around us. We lose sight of how we are already blessed and forget to let love abide in our hearts.

Remain loving and caring at all times because God is loving and caring towards us. We must continuously extend to others what we are asking of God ourselves. If you want mercy from God, then you must extend mercy to others. If you want forgiveness from God, then you must extend forgiveness to others. Let love abide.

the word Forgiveness with key on top

Don’t let bitterness take root in your heart because you are angry about your circumstances. Instead of taking your anger out on others, do something about your situation. You have to be willing to get out of your current situation by moving from where you are to where you want to be. Let love abide in your heart.

Often, we blame others for what has happened to us. We focus more on what others have done to us instead of what we failed to do for ourselves. Accept responsibility for what you did or did not do and move on. Let love be the driving force to allow you to move on.

You do not have to stay stuck where you are. Yes, bad things may happen, but if we choose to remain stuck there by dwelling on matters of the past, it is no one’s fault but our own. Love yourself enough to move on. 

Show love to receive love. Forgive to be forgiven. You must be the change you want to see. The change must begin with you. You can’t expect others to change if you are not willing to change yourself. Let love abide.