have a clear visionA written vision is essential if you want your dreams to become a reality. You must visualize the image of where you want to be in the future to help manifest it. Planning for your future and expecting what you want to become or attain is imperative if you’re going to be successful.

We make choices every day that impact our future. If we are not making a conscious effort and have no direction on where we want to go, we could end up anywhere. Successful people are not successful haphazardly. There is an effort on their part every day to make their dreams a reality.

It makes no sense to have a thought or an idea without implementing a plan to achieve it. Write the vision on paper. Seeing your vision on paper makes it visible and tangible. Once your concept is on paper, you should devise a plan and set specific goals and deadlines to achieve them.

Setting goals keeps you focused and task-oriented. You should reserve time to work on a designated task every day and stick to the deadline. Sticking to the schedule helps you move closer towards your goals. Each day you work on your plan, is a day closer to achieving your goals, and before you know it, your vision materializes right before your eyes.